Thursday, March 13, 2008

This clever girl

Izabel's first attempt at sitting in a high chair occured on monday when we visited the Museum of Flight in Seattle.
We decided to catch the Clipper over to Seattle on Sunday afternoon for a couple of days and see Richard, since he could come to us and it was looking like at least ten days before he'd be able to get the documents sorted to enter Canada. As an extra hoop to just through I needed a letter from Richard to say I could travel with the children without him. but we managed it, and had a nice visit to Seattle area. Tuesday the kids and I went by bus, the monorail to The Children's museum in the Seattle Centre. which occupied us for most of the day.
We're back home now having been allowed into Canada with not much in the way of trouble. It's very hard to travel with three children and not have too much hand luggage.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Last weekend Victoria Tourism had a 'Tourist in your hometown' promotion, it started on wednesday and ended sunday, so thursday the kids and I visited the undersea garden and the wax works museum, saturday, Richard and Liam went to the Maritime museum and Madeline and I went on a bus tour and to the Miniture world. I found the undersea gardens a bit dated, the glass area was like small submarine windows, thou the anemones were huge. Richard was off to the US for work on sunday afternoon so we took him to the airport. Never a favourite activity with us, the kids like to take him, but don't really want him to get on the plane and go. Several times this week when Madeline saw seaplanes over the harbour she thought dad was on it.
The usual round of dance, gym and sportball happened. Liam's doing gym twice a week as we have some makeup classes from when we were away, he's enjoying that and it's at an earlier time, so I think his concentration is a bit better. Liam and I went for a walk on Ross Bay Beach while Madeline had Sportball and we all had a spring nature walk and play in Beacon Hill Park. The kids enjoy telling me what they want pictures of, this trip it was all spring flowers.

Last night we collected Richard from the airport, thou Canadian Immigration wanted to see him again this morning as they weren't happy with his paperwork, so he walked down to see them at the wharf and was denied entry. So today we went to the airport again to put him on a plane back to Seattle. We're still figuring out where it's best for 'us' (me and the kids) to be. Really depends how long it's going to take for Richard's ducks to line up.