Thursday, May 11, 2006

Steps along the road

So we had dinner tonight with our neighbours, they brought dinner with them and we ate it in our newly finished house, our house works well for entertaining I think, having tried it once now. We have a great range of children and the ages ment that the adults conversed almost uninterupted. The children played up and downstairs, inside and out and the hide and seek game had great scope.

We also received our tickets by courier today. So this is a quite significant step towards Santa Fe. We have booked accomodation for our arrival night in Alberquerque but so far we haven't booked for Santa Fe itself yet.

Next we have a birthday party then we move to more farewelling. Wednesday we actually depart.... and arrive.

Im enjoying reading the emails I'm getting from my aunt in Italy, its a space out of time, a reminder of our trip to Italy and my desire to return to those parts one day. They are in Venice today, we stayed on the mainland and took the bus and ferry to Venice, wandered and saw, but mostly caught boats and watched the water.

There is a kiwi neighbourly ness in the sharing of food and experience, the play of children the ranging of conversation which occurred tonight, much was consumed, all was enjoyed, wide ranging, all encompasing, taken left digested and then to bed.

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