Saturday, July 22, 2006

I've got rhtyhm

Last night after we did somethings round Santa Fe we went to the Santa Fe Brewing company for burgers. They had a live band who started playing while we were eating. Liam was fascinated. He started out waving his arms around then shook his head (reminded me of Ray Columbus in the She's a mod video), he was totally engrossed in the music and having trouble with how it made him want to move. His attention was totally focussed on the band and the music. After the first song, and he realised we were looking at him he started eating as well, I thought it might have the oposite effect but he ate all his dinner while engrossed in the band. According to Liama they were too good! High praise, maybe we should have more dinner bands.


Ruth said...

what is rhtyhm? is it closely related to rhythm

Anonymous said...

Don't you love people who pick out typing errors. I have never lived down slitting headahce. You people are too young to remember Ray Colombus! Heard Chrystal Gale the other day, now that bought back memories


Christine said...

There's a LOT of country music here and I've been in shops playing her and also Anne Murray ...