Friday, July 21, 2006

Aproaching the edge

It's a while ago now but the bread did turn out tasty. It wasn't really a picnic, we ate the bread on our lap as we drove 80 m/h along the I-40 West from Albequerque to Flagstaff AZ, a new state so we photographed the border sign - happened to be some nice rocks there to but a bit hot for much time out of the air con.

We managed to get away from Santa Fe before 3pm so most of the driving was in day light, but most of it was also on the straightness that is the I-40
Liam was distracted by the creatures we saw road side. They went on for several miles so it was a great distaction. Once we left Flagstaff it was beginning to get dark so we could only faintly make out the canyon landscape around us in the final leg to Desert View Campground. When we arrived the welcoming party was out and two children excitedly exited the car to see their grandparents. Liam had been keeping himself awake but he wasn't going to sleep anytime soon. Still several walks later and a cup of tea we had our camp set up an all got to sleep.


Anonymous said...

Those creatures are amazing! Quite exciting to see one looming up out of the desert. We could have them on the desert road, only home grown ie Moa, tuatara


Christine said...

They definately kept the drive from being boring. A few Moa and some New Zealand dinosaurs would add something to the landscape - you could dot them round the country for people to find.

Ruth said...

Okay - not helping my we should fly to Albequrque argument. Perhaps from now on you could make sure you only post boring road scapes from the I-40. charles has added the dinosaurs to his want to do list, along with the cableway

Christine said...

1 mile of dinosaurs v. ????? miles of long, long straight road and then maybe a .... corner.